lördag 6 april 2013

80% of Turkish Muslim Settlers in Germany Live off Welfare!

Turks came to Germany as ‘guest workers’. They were supposed to provide some “necessary cheap labor” and then leave. But it didn’t work out that way.

And the topic has obvious implications for our own Gang of 8′s guest worker plan, which is going to lead to non-workers bankrupting the social welfare system even further.
Three million Turks live already in Germany already, while 2.5 million of them have German nationality, and the majority of them are conservative Muslims.
Very few Turks in Germany have a regular job; about 20%. The other 80% live on the so-called Hartz IV (state social benefits). 70% of their children have no GCSE; they left school before they finished their basic education.
According to the German state benefit system, every adult citizen who possesses the German nationality, unemployed and cannot find an appropriate job, is entitled to get monthly 482 € ($627). Additionally, parents get for each child under 18 years old, 200 € ($261), plus all their monthly expenditures in terms of rent, heating, power, health insurance, and public transport.
“Amazingly enough some Turks who live on the generous state benefits can afford to buy a house or an apartment and drive luxurious cars like Mercedes or BMW.” Says Klaus, a landlord whose tenants are a case in point.

That part is easy enough. Just like in the United States, you cash in by having a lot of kids. Bring over a whole bunch of family members, churn out some kids from polygamous marriages (the next frontier in marriage equality) and soon you’re bringing in 10 grand a month.

Kamal (46 years old) and his wife Shadia (42 years old) have ten children under 18 and live on Hartz IV (the German social benefit system). They have a monthly net income of about 3000 €. In addition, all their spending on rent, health care, transport, heating, etc. are paid by the state.
Kamal never worked or had a regular job, never finished school, and never learned a profession. Now he claims that he is “ill.” Klaus, the landlord of Kamal says, “The man is fit.” He even confessed to Klaus that he lies when he says he is ill. “He told me once, ‘Why should I work if I can live well without/’” Klaus quotes Kamal.
Kamal is obliged to regularly report his joblessness to the Federal Employment Office (Bundes Agentur für Arbeit) in his town. He does so when he is invited for a job interview. But he always alleges that he is “sick:” He allegedly has “unbearable pains in his back and joints.” Therefore, he cannot take any job. The only one who knows the truth about Kamal is his landlord Klaus.
Klaus and many other Germans are outraged about Kamal and his like. “It is us, taxpayers who have to finance odd buggers like Kamal. This makes me sick.” Klaus frowns at me.
On the other hand, Kamal’s neighbour, Dieter works for a mail company. For working 8 hours daily, he merely get 800 € ($1000) at the end of the month. From this salary he has got to pay his rent and the rest of his expenditure. Left for him is something around 400 € ($500).
This is much worse than Cyprus. And this will eventually break Germany’s back. Imagine millions of people living this way and reproducing at a much higher rate than the native population and the spending becomes completely unsustainable.
German citizens can enter Turkey with simply showing their personal identity card. Hence German Turks, particularly women, travel to Turkey and come back with a “leased” baby. They get the baby temporarily from relatives and claim at the German border that it is their baby who was recently born in Turkey.
Khaled, a Turk, told me that you can get “a false birth certificate” in Turkey for $10.
Back in Germany, the “new” baby is registered at the town hall administration, and the “mother of the baby” starts getting 200 € ($261) monthly.
And don’t kid yourself. This happens here too south of the border.
Nicole, a German school teacher told me once, when she asks her students what they want to become in the future, the majority of Turkish students say, “Hartz IV Empfänger” (state benefit receiver). When she asked one of her students, “Why is that?” The girl answered, “My parents live on Hartz IV and lead an easy life. They sleep longer in the morning, and always have got enough money.”
“The dream of having an Ottoman Empire is not dead among the Turks.” Says Jalal, a Kurdish freelance journalist living in Germany. He added, “The Turkish establishment believes that the Turks in Germany constitute a valuable spearhead for the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. What could not be accomplished by force in the 15th century might, many Turks believe, become a reality in the 21st century in Germany, the heart of Europe. Besides, don’t forget that demographically, while the German population growth is almost null, it is even contracting, the Turks in Germany have an annual birth rate of more than 5%. Therefore, demographers assume that by 2050 the majority of people living in Germany will be of Turkish descent.”
Welcome to the Welfare Caliphate built by the Welfare Jihad.

söndag 6 januari 2013

Why does the Jews hate the Armenians?

According to the Holy Bible and most scholars the Amalekites were Arabs from the Arabian deserts. But not according to the Jews!  

Heres the answer why they hate us:

Hatzvi Newspaper May 1909-[Quoted in English translation in Y. Auron, Zionism and the Armenian Genocide: The Banality of Indifference, Transaction Publishers, London, (2002), p. 126.]

“Armenia is also sometimes called Amalek in some sources, and Jews often referred to Armenians as Amalekites. This is the Byzantine term for the Armenians. It was adopted by the Jews from the Josippon chronicle (tenth century, ch. 64). According to Josippon, Amalek was conquered by Benjaminite noblemen under Saul (ibid., 26), and Benjaminites are already assumed to be the founders of Armenian Jewry in the time of the Judges (Judg. 19–21). Benjaminite origins are claimed by sectarian Kurds. The idea that Khazaria was originally Amalek helped to support the assumption that the Khazar Jews were descended from Simeon” (I Chron. 4:42–43; Eldad ha-Dani, ed. by A. Epstein (1891), 52; cf. Ḥisdai ibn Shaprut, Iggeret)

Hatzvi Newspaper May 1909-[Quoted in English translation in Y. Auron, Zionism and the Armenian Genocide: The Banality of Indifference, Transaction Publishers, London, (2002), p. 126.]

“In 1839...the British missionary Joseph Wolff found it “remarkable that the Armenians, who are detested by the Jews as the supposed descendants of the Amalekites, are the only Christian church who have interested themselves for the protection and conversion of Jews.” Scottish Missionaries Bonar and McCheyne suggested that “the peculiar hatred which the Jews bear toward the Armenians may arise from a charge often brought against them, namely that Haman was an Armenian, and that the Armenians are the Amalekites of the Bible” for becoming the first nation to adopt Christianity in 301AD. Late in the nineteenth century Joseph Judah Chorny reported hearing from the Jews of Georgia, among whom he had traveled, of their ancestral tradition that the Armenians were descendants of the Amalekites, and another Jewish traveler reported a bizarre practice in eastern Galicia, whereby the Armenians that did business with the local Jews would mourn Haman’s death every Purim, and light candles in his memory.”

"When in late 15th century R. Obadiah of Bertinoro,a native of Umbria who emigrated to Jerusalem,described the city's [Christian] sects in a letter to his father, he listed "the Latins, Greeks, Jacobites, Amalekites,Abyssinians." Armenians still hold their own quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem to this day.

The book Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints' Lives in English Translation By Alice-Mary Talbot speaks about Byzantine Emperor Leo V the Armenian who ruled from 813 AD to 820 AD until his assassination by one of his top generals, Michael the Amorian. When describing Emperor Leo the book claims, “He is called Amalekite, meaning Arab, because of his apparent approval of Islamic prohibition of the depiction of sacred images.”

Who was the real mastermind behind the Armenian Genocide?